About Us

Diplomats for Climate Ltd promotes policies that will genuinely address global climate change, either by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or enabling genuine and lasting drawdown of carbon from the atmosphere. We conduct respectful, open debate on climate policy issues. We are apolitical but not afraid to call out bad policy and bad decisions when we see them. We are focused on the importance of good domestic and international climate policy for Australia’s reputation, national security and prosperity, and on the importance of international cooperation to meet the challenges of climate change adaptation and mitigation. 

We recognise our domestic actions matter to others; and that we have a responsibility to our descendants and to our nation to leave behind a better world than the one we inherited.

We have extensive experience developing policy and representing Australia. We are experts in trade negotiations, development assistance, public diplomacy, security policy, international law and more. We have served in all corners of the world. We have worked at the most senior levels engaging with Heads of Government, and have experienced the painstaking work at the ground level of gathering evidence, developing ideas, generating support and effecting real change. In addition to our shared connection of government service, we bring perspectives and wisdom from work with other organisations – as volunteers in the community, researchers and commentators, or from the private or not-for-profit sectors. We come together to advocate for a re-orientation of Australia’s foreign policy to put climate change at the centre.